To receive more positive details for CORPORATE/INDIVIDUAL sponsorship email info@achievingpositivethinkingworldwide.org.
OR you can dm Yvette Kelley:
Text 53-555 - keyword - styleaptw - Celebrity Fashion Show - Corporate Partner
keyword - styleaptw1 - Celebrity Fashion Show - Individual Partner

Thank you so very much MR REX. WATSON!
Your wonderful and positive support as well as the wonderful and positive support from the Walmart Foundation is VERY greatly appreciated! For Celebrity Chef Cook Off 2018 & Celebrity Fashion Show!
Thank you so very much MR. DAVID & MS. KIRSTEN COONEY!
Sam's Club
904 Pleasant Grove Drive
Roseville, CA 95678
Your positive donation of 40lbs of meat helped make our VERY 1ST, FREE Celebrity Chef Cook Off 2017 a positive success! Your wonderful and positive support from the Walmart Foundation is VERY greatly appreciated! Celebrity Chef Cook Off 2018!
Positive Thinkers supporting other Positive Thinkers all we will do is Achieve, Succeed and Win!
APTW works tirelessly to improve mental wellness through positive thinking.
#free #nonprofit #celebrity #samsclub #sacramento #roseville
#El Dorado Hills #Elk Grove
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Yvette Kelley, Executive Director
Achieving Positive Thinking Worldwide (APTW)
Thank you so very much MS. MARY CORNELIUS!
Granite Bay
Neighborhood Market #5980
4800 Douglas Blvd, CA 95746
Your wonderful and positive support as well as the wonderful and positive support from the Walmart Foundation is VERY greatly appreciated! For The Celebrity Fashion Show!
Positive Thinkers supporting other Positive Thinkers all we will do is Achieve, Succeed and Win!
APTW works tirelessly to improve mental wellness through positive thinking.
#free #nonprofit #celebrity #walmart #granitebay #sacramento #roseville #El Dorado Hills #Elk Grove
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Achieving Positive Thinking Worldwide Team